Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Greetings and Salutations!

I've always avoided making a blog, partly because I thought, "Why make a blog when I can post on Facebook?" and partly because I didn't think I would ever write on one. So why do I have a blog now then?

The purpose of this blog is basically for self-discipline for the sake of growing in my walk with the Lord. I want to know Him better through knowing His Word better, and I think that writing will help me with that. So you'll basically get some Bible commentary as I go through. I want to be able to find what God is saying about Himself even in the most mundane passages. This will help me by putting my thoughts down in writing.

Why do it in a blog, then? Why not just make a crazy pile of Word documents? Because I want to share it! So there! I hope that whoever reads will be blessed and grow closer to God through it. So there you go!


  1. Well, welcome to the blogosphere David! So looking forward to hearing more about the things the Lord is sharing with you! :)

  2. Found your blog through Abby. Looking forward to reading your posts! :)

    - Corey P.
