Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stuff to do when you're bored!

People my age, myself included, tend to get sucked into the interwebs pretty easily. You just find yourself helplessly looking at pictures of dogs wearing pantyhose, videos of people shooting hotdogs out of shotguns, and GIFs of cats flipping over baby fences. These things are fun to look at and stuff, but they can easily become a distraction from what is really important.

One of my last posts, I believe, was inspired by listening to John Piper talk about Jonathan Edwards. Guess what... So is this one! This biographical sermon always gets at me somehow. You should check it out here:

Like last time, I was listening to this sermon today while cleaning up the elementary school where I work as a janitor. Piper was talking about how absolutely relentless Jonathan Edwards was in redeeming the time. He really lived up to the resolution he had written as a 20 year-old: "Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live." See his awesome resolutions here:

I have been trying for the last few days or so to do this, or at least work towards it. But I seriously keep getting caught up in things like a tv show about rich rednecks who make duck calls...

As I listened to the sermon again, I realized that there are ways to help yourself use your time better. Jonathan Edwards did all sorts of things, from pinning papers to his jacket as a reminder of important thoughts while riding his horse, to skipping meals so he could study, to choosing to eat foods that he found best for his thoughts. He was kind of totally OCD. But there was a lot of good fruit from it.

I decided for myself to make a list to look at when I catch myself slipping into the interwebs hypnosis. It's just a list of things that would be much more beneficial. I can take my pick of what I feel most like doing or is most urgent. So here it is!

1. Pray
    Specifically pray for other people or my own needs. Praying with a prayer journal would probably be a good idea too.
     Prayer is first on the list, because I believe it is necessary even if you are doing any of the other things on the list, to pray before you do it. Pray for God's direction and strength to do it well.

2. Study the Bible
    Not just reading the Bible, but reading it and taking notes. This was also a big thing for Jonathan Edwards. He had a Bible that he took apart completely, stuck blank pages in between each page, and re-bound it. By the end of his life, it was FULL of notes, even in totally obscure passages.
    Something I haven't done before and that I'm eager to try is to take passages that are confusing or difficult, and write down possible interpretations and solutions, and follow them to their end, or as far as I can.

3. Grade papers
    As a teacher, I usually have some papers to grade. For you, this might be something else. Like if you're a student, doing homework. There ya go.

4. Build a relationship
    Go visit somebody, or if you're stuck at home, write them a card or an email. Or even call them. That's crazy. I haven't done that in a LOOOOONG time... Phones are weird. :-D

5. Write something
    On my actual list, it's "write a song." But really just exercise your creativity. You may not be good at it. I'm not. But some things can improve with exercise. And if it is for God, it is totes worth it.

6. Think of ways that you can bless individuals
    What I originally had in mind was a little more specific. I am not very good at conversations. I'm great at listening to people who talk a lot, but if I'm talking to somebody who doesn't... Awkward... Haha! Anyways, what I originally was thinking was of ways to get people talking.
    So for instance, thinking about one person in particular that you see regularly. What are they really into? What kind of question can you ask to make them start talking about it? People really like to talk about things they are interested in. What other questions can you think of about that thing? What else are they into?
    Of course, you can also go much more general. How else can you bless them? Think of something to get them or make them that they would really like, or something you can do with them that they enjoy, or for them.

So that's what I have so far. Hopefully it can help you stave off boredom or pull yourself out of your internet-induced stupor.

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